Thursday, February 4, 2010

Whats a perfect absolute definition of a false teacher?

keep in mind, that not all false teachings are intended to deceive, and not all accusations are true.Whats a perfect absolute definition of a false teacher?
One who reaches a lie as truth and/or the truth as a lie

2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.Whats a perfect absolute definition of a false teacher?
Christianity in the concept that Jesus is God is a false teaching. They steal a Hebrew prophecy and shape a ';Man'; into a ';God'; Which is a false concept. Which is not even a Hebrew prophecy. The only people to beleive a concept of a Man becoming God in the ancient days was the pagan tribes.
wow do I dare? OK cuz u about the denomination to be nameless that has oodles of man written doctrine and traditions, who pray through the dead (asleep)and glorify Mary who is also dead (asleep) and had early leaders who started it all with corrupting and changing God's Word and Laws to this day they practice it and do not repent or set it right and who confess to mortals, recieve ';their'; punishment and forgiveness and who will absolutley not Seek the Truth for themselves, that a good definiton? and whereas is Proven in Scripture in many places, especially Revelations, Their end result.....God Bless
To be frank, the many pastors today. They do not know the true gospel Jesus gave to mankind, and cannot teach it either.

Their job is to present their flock as a spotless, wrinkle free bride to Christ the Groom. But they cannot do this, and this bride they are presenting will not be accepted by Jesus, for all of them still have sin (Matthew 7:21-23).

This is why most pastors are false teachers. The blind leading the blind, and both wil fall over a cliff to their deaths.

Find the true teachers here:
Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swagert, Paul Crouch, Jim Baker, Oral Roberts...
one who leads in the imagination saying ohhh look in you imagination i see angles harps golden streets not a person who says what is real now and true that can be proved
A think a False Teacher is someone who's teachs on what their belifs. I think most Christians may believe different from each other.
One who teaches with authority and the teachings are not true.
Islamic Clerics
The Prosperity Gospel!
Richard Dawkins.
False doctrine.
To say we are saved by Grace and then list the things we must do to receive it.
Any one who is not a JW
Man thinking he knows more than God
hm, idk. that's a toughie
Whoever wrote the bible.

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